Warung Tegal

Masakan khas Indonesia

Soto Ayam

Makanan Berkuah

Soto is a traditional Indonesian soup mainly composed of broth, meat, and vegetables. Many traditional soups are called soto, whereas foreign and Western influenced soups are called sop.

Masakan khas Indonesia

Masakan Pecel

Makanan dengan Bumbu Kacang

Pecel , (Javanese:ꦥꦼꦕꦼꦭ꧀) is a traditional Javanese salad with peanut sauce, usually eaten with carbs (steamed rice, lontong or ketupat). The simplicity of pecel preparation and its cheap price have contributed to its popularity throughout Java.

Makanan khas Indonesia


Makanan Berkuah

Rawon (Aksara Jawa: ꦫꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀) is an Indonesian beef soup. Originating from Surabaya, East Java, rawon utilizes the black keluak nut as the main seasoning, which gives a dark color and nutty flavor to the soup.